Trailblazer Resources: A Collection of Links for Salesforce Trailblazers

About a year ago, I started hearing stories from people who had pivoted to a career in Salesforce from non-tech backgrounds. As someone who had been considering a career change, I was intrigued and excited. I began researching the career options within the Salesforce ecosystem and it turns outs that there are a LOT of online resources that are available for people who are learning Salesforce. The amount of information can be a bit overwhelming, especially for someone who is just starting out in the world of Salesforce.

As I began learning and studying for my Salesforce Administrator certification, I started using an app called Notion to save and organize the links that I thought would be helpful. Each time I came across a link that I wanted to be able to easily find later, I added it to my Notion app.

Over the past year, I have been learning everything I can about Salesforce and recently obtained my Salesforce Administrator certification. During that time, my Resources database has grown to 20 pages and over 130 links. Those numbers are growing everyday, as I learn more about Salesforce and as I come across resources and links that I find valuable.

I have decided to publish the database for others who might find these resources helpful. I plan to crowd-source additional links so that I can add more content to the site by featuring topics and asking for your favorite resources and suggestions.

The Trailblazer Resources website currently contains links to:

  • Career paths and certifications

  • Certification courses, training, and mock exams

  • Exam tips

  • Hands-on experience & career development opportunities

  • Job search resources and tips

  • Networking platforms

  • Apps & tools for Salesforce professionals

  • Articles, tutorials, and helpful links

  • Books, podcasts, blogs, and channels

  • Requirements gathering tips

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) training and tips

  • Events & webinars

In the coming months, I will be featuring different sections of the website on LinkedIn and asking the Salesforce Ohana to suggest additional links that they find valuable so that the database can expand and become more valuable to those who are part of the Salesforce community. The site is a work in progress and is ever-evolving but I am excited to see it grow!

Please see the link below and follow me on LinkedIn for updates as I continue to add additional resources and ask for recommended links to add to the site. I hope this is helpful and I would love to hear any feedback that you might have about how I can make the website more useful in your Trailblazing journey!


Study Tips: Salesforce certified administrator exam